Why the timing of Dr. Ford’s testimony isn’t anyone’s business

Pratiti Renee Mehta
5 min readOct 1, 2018

Amidst the partisan debate around the Ford & Kavanaugh hearings, I’ve heard one question incessantly: “why didn’t she speak up sooner?” While it’s only been spinning in my head for a couple of weeks, this is a question that has come up time and time again, and needs some serious addressing…

…just not in the way it’s usually done.

Whether or not you believe Dr. Ford, here’s some much needed womansplaining. My answer to this question is simple: when or how she spoke up is none of your concern.



Pratiti Renee Mehta

Lover/writer of poetry, romance, paranormal, self-help, etc. I don’t enjoy the confines of a niche. Published author: What Storms May Bring: Seasons of Change.